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Floppotron GM

by stgiga, sleaf, [nowanonymous], Yingchun Soul

Uploaded on Nov 23, 2023 (and last updated on Apr 17, 2024)

Oh I (stgiga) didn't give this poor bank a description, let's give 'em one: This bank is a cursed one that aims to replicate the sound of the Floppotron (Floppy Drive Organ). It's a ridiculous bank, and I did it on request. This does NOT define my SF2s. Anyways, IF you enjoy it, enjoy it. If you don't, I have MUCH better SF2s.

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Wtfpl small Do What The Fuck You Want To Public License 2.0
Extra considerations: Do what you want so long as you aren't a bigot or using it in ways that would make Rainfurrest attendees nope out of the idea. Oh and no, I never went to Rainfurrest (that's probably a good thing, I heard it was awful).

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I'm stgiga, and as for this SoundFont, someone on Reddit asked me to remove the Exclusive Class settings on this bank to allow proper polyphony so I did. The pitch limits are hard to fix because some regions only play on certain pitches, in a segmented way, and while I COULD completely remove pitch limits, god forbid your ears. Even the original is kind of loud. (The JummBox bank, with some exceptions, isn't, and unlike this SoundFont or my Famicom Multichip bank, is compa...

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Yamaha PSR-400/500 soundfont

by octopus_music, JolykYa

Uploaded on Jul 30, 2023 (and last updated on Aug 01, 2023)

Yamaha PSR-400/500 soundfont. Edited off Yamaha PSS-51 sf2.It's not exactly the same as in PSR-400/500.Fun Fact: Mockbuster german company "Dingo Pictures" used PSR-400 to create music for thier films.

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Revelations Persona Soundfont

by _Mosq

Uploaded on Mar 30, 2023 (and last updated on Mar 31, 2023)

This is a collection that comprises most of the Persona ( PS1) instrument samples. Classification for instruments: 1 - Basses 2 - Drumkits 3 - Keys 4 - Leads 5 - Orchestral 6 - Pads About the drum samples: I compiled the drum samples in three different kits from my own perception of where each one of these samples goes, so it could be possibly wrong. Arrange those sounds to your own liking!!

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Waves of Nostalgia v2

by Charlie

Uploaded on Mar 04, 2023 (and last updated on Nov 14, 2023)

Compact redesign of Waves of Nostalgia. v2 change log: Much smaller file size (less than 900kb); accomplished by using tiny loops, shortening long samples and dropping 24C note samples Sample amplitudes target -9dB now; no attenuation values are used Changed volume envelopes to be close to what GXSCCGM033.sf2 uses Back to only one version again to keep size small and ease development Maybe some other stuff I forgot to mention

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microGM (1.96MB - 2.73MB)

by michael

Uploaded on Dec 07, 2022 (and last updated on Apr 05, 2024)

Smallest and complete soundfont I made. Most GM patches here are unique. Supports GS drum sets but not presets.This SF2 is meant to be used by tiny devices, very Beatnik inspired, since i wanted a SF2 that could be used for ringtones without sounding off. This SF2 doesn't use any fancy features by the format, so it is very plain in that aspect.The sample rate of the samples oscillates between 8000 and 16kHz (22kHz for percussion with high frequencies). The recommended in...

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