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Yamaha MidRadio Player Soundfont made by HyperWORLD Team and it is GM-XG compatible. Comparing to the original software synthesizer and recreated soundfont may sound inaccurate due to soundfont's limitations.

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Yamaha MA2 fm soundfont

by Yamaha

Uploaded on Mar 20, 2024 (and last updated on Mar 20, 2024)

This is a small fm soundfont of the Yamaha MA2 chip. It was used in some phones by Samsung, LG ecc. I found it on a websyte that even has ringtones from original phones, and soundfonts of them, and I've decided to post it here because it's very rare to find! EnjoyDescrivi cos'è, come si usa, come è stato realizzato, ecc...

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(Me) SP's Custom Grand 1

by Simone Piervergili

Uploaded on Jan 16, 2024

I thought of this for a long time and of course, now here it is. This time, rather than a soundfont of a default preset of a Pianoteq 8 piano model, instead, I decided to make a soundfont of one of my custom presets of a model made in Pianoteq 8, just like GD CRAFT did, he made his custom grand piano soundfont, too. I did the same in the same way now, but I gave it some more character and effects to make it sound more realistic. This is a soundfont I made of a custom Ant....

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Licensing Gray Area
These files have an unknown license, were obtained from unkown sources or were compiled from third party material.
Extra considerations: Samples are recorded and exported using LMMS. Feel free to show me your music creations with this piano, I would like to hear them, also, credit me if you are going to use this as part of your soundfont.

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Yamaha Student Model Oboe

by 晴れ / Hare

Uploaded on Dec 28, 2023 (and last updated on Dec 29, 2023)

This is a Student Model Yamaha Oboe sampled by me. I do not have a mic specifically dedicated to recording sounds, but a Shure branded microphone that was made more for singing. Without mods, it may sound a little weird

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