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clapping hands soundfont

by TheSoundfontMaker

Uploaded on Nov 16, 2023

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I'm stgiga, and as for this SoundFont, someone on Reddit asked me to remove the Exclusive Class settings on this bank to allow proper polyphony so I did. The pitch limits are hard to fix because some regions only play on certain pitches, in a segmented way, and while I COULD completely remove pitch limits, god forbid your ears. Even the original is kind of loud. (The JummBox bank, with some exceptions, isn't, and unlike this SoundFont or my Famicom Multichip bank, is compa...

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I'm stgiga, and this is my merger of my fix of the NESMaster96 GM remap of little-scale and drunkenjesus's YM2413 SoundFont with the Devan Wolf GM remap of the OPLL-2 bank from the Yamaha SHS-10, utilizing plgDavid samples. Thus this, in essence, a 2xOPLL bank, because the OPLL and OPLL2 are the same chip just accessed differently. The SHS-10 just uses custom patches a lot. This is actually a neat duet.

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LG GX200

by jamisson tavares

Uploaded on Aug 06, 2023 (and last updated on Sep 01, 2023)

instruments and samples extracted from lg gx200 cell phone new update: flute, bass and steel drums instruments have been fixed

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LG_T375 Soundfont

by jamisson tavares

Uploaded on Jul 13, 2023 (and last updated on Apr 04, 2024)

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