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Floppotron GM

by stgiga, sleaf, [nowanonymous], Yingchun Soul

Uploaded on Nov 23, 2023 (and last updated on Apr 17, 2024)

Oh I (stgiga) didn't give this poor bank a description, let's give 'em one: This bank is a cursed one that aims to replicate the sound of the Floppotron (Floppy Drive Organ). It's a ridiculous bank, and I did it on request. This does NOT define my SF2s. Anyways, IF you enjoy it, enjoy it. If you don't, I have MUCH better SF2s.

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Wtfpl small Do What The Fuck You Want To Public License 2.0
Extra considerations: Do what you want so long as you aren't a bigot or using it in ways that would make Rainfurrest attendees nope out of the idea. Oh and no, I never went to Rainfurrest (that's probably a good thing, I heard it was awful).

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I'm stgiga, and as for this SoundFont, someone on Reddit asked me to remove the Exclusive Class settings on this bank to allow proper polyphony so I did. The pitch limits are hard to fix because some regions only play on certain pitches, in a segmented way, and while I COULD completely remove pitch limits, god forbid your ears. Even the original is kind of loud. (The JummBox bank, with some exceptions, isn't, and unlike this SoundFont or my Famicom Multichip bank, is compa...

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8-Bit Chip

by Michael Picher

Uploaded on Sep 29, 2016 (and last updated on May 19, 2024)

Introducing Version 2.0!! SFZ Format Pulse (3 variants), Triangle, and Noise waves Simple keyboard layout "Legato" effect Vibrato, tremolo, slide (portamento), attack, and release controls ​ The goal, when designing "8-Bit Chip", was to create something that was friendly to a musician, rather than a programer. Traditionally, 8-Bit music is created in what can be described as a spreadsheet-like environment, where pitches and effects are coded one at a time. My idea was ...

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All Rights Reserved to Michael Picher
Extra considerations: Feel free to use this virtual instrument in any commercial/non-commercial projects!

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