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nintendo 64
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microGM (1.96MB - 2.73MB)

by michael

Uploaded on Dec 07, 2022 (and last updated on Apr 05, 2024)

Smallest and complete soundfont I made. Most GM patches here are unique. Supports GS drum sets but not presets.This SF2 is meant to be used by tiny devices, very Beatnik inspired, since i wanted a SF2 that could be used for ringtones without sounding off. This SF2 doesn't use any fancy features by the format, so it is very plain in that aspect.The sample rate of the samples oscillates between 8000 and 16kHz (22kHz for percussion with high frequencies). The recommended in...

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Mario Party 2 Soundfont

by tahutoa

Uploaded on Dec 05, 2020 (and last updated on May 19, 2024)

Update (September 2021): Most prevalent changes are some fixes for Acoustic Bass & Piccolo/Recorder, also moved previous Dulcimer to Clavinet, & previous Koto to Dulcimer. Check Changelog in the Drive Folder for an exact rundown. I MAY BE UPDATING THIS FOR A WHILE YET, SO CHECK BACK EVERY SO OFTEN (the Google Drive, in particular, because I can't be sure if the file actually updates on here). Created, over a very long period of time, by going through every single...

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General MIDI 64 v1.6 soundfont

by michael

Uploaded on Dec 11, 2019 (and last updated on May 18, 2024)

Extracted samples from Nintendo 64 games/roms of all types, compatible with General MIDI files. Inspired by Tristan Yiya/Roxie's Nintendo 64 soundfont Version 1.0: General MIDI support (128 instruments - 1 drum set) Version 1.5: GS drum set support (128 instruments - 9 drum sets) Version 1.6: All instruments have the same volume Spreadsheet of the sample/rom sources:

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Licensing Gray Area
These files have an unknown license, were obtained from unkown sources or were compiled from third party material.
Extra considerations: The instruments comes from several modules, synthezisers and CDs samples from the 90s era, with inferior quality/sampling.

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polyphone (3)

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sf2 (3)