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realistic flute
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SoundFont da Nilce

by Nilce Moretto, Bann, VnVnbmFlcyBzcmVv

Uploaded on May 09, 2023 (and last updated on Apr 04, 2024)

Só isso mesmo.

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Public small Work in the Public Domain
Extra considerations: A dor em si é importante para a principal elite adiposa. Ser repudiado pelo inventor e a existência dessas dores deve ser evitado. Ele o condena como se eles não o conhecessem, e como aquele a quem eles seguem; bem-vindo a grande coisa que é abençoada

This is cool!
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The Latin Superflute V1 GM (Realistic Soundfont)

by Anima1714 with Mike77154

Uploaded on Sep 30, 2021 (and last updated on May 19, 2024)

This was made by Anima1714 first and I just adapted to soundfont, I just learned some tricks of Toru Inahama and applied to this real flute sampled from the Anima1714 user Original Kontakt instrument: Flauta Transversa by Anima1714 Anima1714 YT Channel:

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