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Piano Tape

by Square and line

Uploaded on Apr 08, 2020 (and last updated on May 19, 2024)

Once upon a time an old piano in a faraway house, just a decorative piece of furniture so damaged inside that nobody was daring touch his keys. Nobody except me. I found back a tape with all these sounds, deep dark basses, wood hammers, broken strings, lo-fi noises. I’m glad to share them now with you as 2 Hydrogen drums kits : Percussion and Experimental.

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Brian Tama Superstar Hydrogen Drumkit

by Brian the Lion

Uploaded on Mar 04, 2017 (and last updated on May 19, 2024)

I have constructed a drumkit using my own recordings of a Tama Superstar Fusion kit with Zildjian ZXT Titanium Rock cymbals. The above pictures show the Tama Superstar Fusion drumkit and Zildjian ZXT Titanium Rock cymbals used to create the hydrogen kit. Please write up as many comments as you like, good and bad. I would love to hear your ideas.

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hydrogen (4)

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h2drumkit (4)