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Hydrogen Drumkits Collection

by Misc authors

Uploaded on Oct 08, 2015 (and last updated on Jan 03, 2016)

A collection of drumkits compiled from the hydrogen kits installable with KXStudio and additional kits provided by Slackermedia and other sources. Many of the original kits don't mute their open hi-hat sounds when the hi-hat closed sound is triggered. The hi-hat group settings have been adjusted for most of this collection to mute the open hat when the closed hat is triggered. Installation Instructions: Remove older copies of the same kits at /usr/share/hydrogen/data/dr...

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Various Licenses
These files are made available through a mix of different licenses. Read the description, more info links, file contents or contact the author in order to get the full information.

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FS Gibson Les Paul Neck Pick-Up Electric Guitar Direct In

by FlameStudios

Uploaded on Sep 08, 2015 (and last updated on Sep 08, 2015)

This is a Gibson Les Paul recorded direct in using the neck pickup (more bass than the bridge pickup). It has the same presets as the Fender Jaguar Direct In including Fender reverb samples also that can be mixed in with the mod wheel 2 on certain presets.

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FS Gibson Les Paul Bridge Pick-Up Electric Guitar Direct In

by FlameStudios

Uploaded on Sep 08, 2015 (and last updated on Sep 08, 2015)

This is a Gibson Les Paul recorded direct in using the bridge pickup (more treble than the neck pickup). It has the same presets as the Fender Jaguar Direct In including Fender reverb samples also that can be mixed in with the mod wheel 2 on certain presets.

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FS Fender Telecaster Electric Guitar Neck Pickup Direct In

by FlameStudios

Uploaded on Sep 08, 2015 (and last updated on Sep 08, 2015)

This is a Fender Telecaster recorded direct in using the neck pickup (more bass than the bridge pickup). It has the same presets as the Fender Jaguar Direct In including Fender reverb samples also that can be mixed in with the mod wheel 2 on certain presets.

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FS Fender Telecaster Electric Guitar Bridge Pickup Direct In

by FlameStudios

Uploaded on Sep 08, 2015 (and last updated on Sep 08, 2015)

This is a Fender Telecaster recorded direct in using the bridge pickup (more treble than the neck pickup). It has the same presets as the Fender Jaguar Direct In including Fender reverb samples also that can be mixed in with the mod wheel 2 on certain presets.

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FS Fender Jaguar Electric Guitar Both Pickups Direct In

by FlameStudios

Uploaded on Sep 08, 2015 (and last updated on Sep 08, 2015)

This is a Japanese Fender Jaguar recorded on the both pickups setting direct in and also through a valve driven Fender reverb unit. This can be used with software amplifiers such as the free fender and marshall vst plugins on this forum (there are lots of software guitar amplifier and pedal related things worth downloading on the Guitar Amp Modelling forum) or amplifier impulse response files with your convolution reverbs like Jconv on Linux or Freeverb on Windows. This g...

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