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Yamaha SHS-10 Soundfont

by Devan Wolf

Uploaded on Sep 01, 2023 (and last updated on May 18, 2024)

25 available FM voices of the SHS-10 compiled into Soundfont form! Digitally sampled via emulation using the patch codes provided in the ROM dump by plgDavid. The first 25 presets of the soundfont correspond to the original transmit program numbers of the SHS-10's MIDI output. Also includes GM-mapped version via the Discord mirror.

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The Ghent Carillon

by Soni Musicae

Uploaded on Aug 24, 2015 (and last updated on Dec 30, 2015)

This sf2 soundbank, called the Ghent Carillon, is made with free samples found on the following site: They are mono but good sounding, and respect the resonance of the 54 bells, from B flat to F, on 4 octaves. The samples have been converted from mp3 to wave, and regularly disposed in space from left to right, using the pan adjustment in the soundfont with Vienna Soundfont. In this belfry, there are no bells for the B and the C sharp of t...

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Public small Work in the Public Domain
Extra considerations: The soundfont was created by Soni Musicae but the samples are free and come from Ghent (Belgium) city's clock and were made available by a non-profit organization. The original site is now dead (but is linked here and can be accessed via Internet Archive) so most of the uses here should be okay.

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