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synthfont viena
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Modern Vibraharp

by Daindune

Uploaded on Mar 09, 2024

Here is yet another realistic vibraphone soundfont. I recorded the samples from Soundtrap in the Piano Roll, with another note added 2 octaves up, and a low velocity, and main note with a high velocity to make it sound like a real modern vibraphone sound. This is GM compatible. Feel free to use this in your soundfonts, and please give me credit.

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Logic Pro and GarageBand Vibraphone

by Daindune

Uploaded on Nov 25, 2023

I sampled the vibraphone in the Mallets App on my iPad Pro, And they sound like the vibraphone in GarageBand and Logic Pro. Samples are stereo, 13 samples, and one unused, This is a start, if anyone could make a better SoundFont of the vibraphone from Logic Pro, I would appreciate that..

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Realistic Chromatic Percussion & Harp

by Daindune

Uploaded on May 21, 2021 (and last updated on May 21, 2021)

This Pack contains nine chromatic percussion instruments plus a harp. Pack Contains Celesta, Glockenspiel, Crotales, Vibraphone, Marimba, Xylophone, Tubular Belle, Harp, And Timpani. More Chromatic Percussion Instruments Will Come Soon, Such at Metallophone, Steel Drums, Kalimba, Celeste, Toy Piano, Music Box, Toy Marimba, Toy Xylophone, and Bells. So Enjoy These Instruments.

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