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StarEevee SoundFont

by Renderite

Uploaded on Feb 28, 2023 (and last updated on Feb 28, 2023)

Here's my second sound font that I have made from the Animation YouTuber known as StarEevee! I myself am a fan of her and thus have decided to make this! Vocals were ripped from her videos, took a while to get these decent ones.

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This is my improvement of sleaf's Libre version of the original SonicLover Realistic SF V2 bank. This version has GS patches and better quality. It is still under 2GiB. This means it does not require BassMIDI-based players to work. MuseScore and ScummVM users rejoice! Strix removed the non-free samples from the original SonicLover version. Enjoy as you wish!Clint, the creator of the KOR soundfont, provided the hosting for this.As have I (check second mirror)Drums have been...

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