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coolsoft virtualmidisynth
× By sa small
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by Aburtos

Uploaded on Apr 02, 2022 (and last updated on May 19, 2024)

Wanna see more Sega Genesis/Mega Drive? Feeling like exploring its sound some more? Here's the SEGAudio soundfont! This is comprised of old, modified, and completely new instruments using emulated sound hardware from the Sega Genesis/Mega Drive. The primary aim was to get a more acoustic sound out of FM (including drums) and to keep "samples" to a minimum. The instruments were made from DefleMask, and I've built up a good amount of experience using it myself for a good wh...

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By sa small Creative Commons BY-SA 4.0 International
Extra considerations: Free use of course, but just give me credit.

This is cool!
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Korg X5 Drums (SF2)

by W. Duwindu Tharinda Perera

Uploaded on Mar 08, 2023 (and last updated on May 19, 2024)

Props to BrianFan The Hedgehog for suggesting me this! Just like the JV-1080 Drums, this soundfont also is a compilation from some other set of samples. Maybe it's some Room ambiance or a mysterious DSP Reverb or EQ left applied while the source samples were being recorded (before the author uploaded it to the relevant website) they doesn't sound perfectly neutral for me. It's up to you to decide whether or not apply an EQ treatment here. I'm more of a Rola...

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