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Heavy_Metal_Guitar (No loop)

by IK Multimedia (I think)

Uploaded on May 22, 2023 (and last updated on May 22, 2023)

this is the "original version" of this famous soundfont, this was a popular soundfont in mid 90s and early 2000s decades, however it becames popular when the guys try to mimic clasic guitare arcade sounds, for example wizzywhipitwonderful, however almost 25 years later came to the top of popularity when this was added to various "Metal Guitar collections" and was edited and looped for being "General Midi Compatible", so this is how really it supposed the original sounds without sample reduction, loops or trimming the samples

I really try to find the original and unmodified version but this is the only thing that I can find

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  • Heavy_Metal_Guitar_NL.sf2
    • 000-029 Heavy Metal Guitar

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