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Basil SF2

by Bubby293

Uploaded on Jan 05, 2024 (and last updated on May 19, 2024)

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My voice [Androgynous CV Japanese Hiragana UTAUloid]

by stgiga

Uploaded on Apr 22, 2023 (and last updated on Apr 22, 2023)

I'm stgiga, and I've got a treat for y'xll! Here is my voice. (I'm nonbinary and intersex [I use they/them pronouns]) It's been made into a "basic" UTAUloid. The effort was only undertaken because of the sheer high frequency nature of it. Now, UTAU is such a janky program that even making this was an absolute nightmare. > Sometimes it's okay to be proud of what you've got...

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Public small Work in the Public Domain
Extra considerations: Don't use this for making bigoted-against-marginalized-groups content. I won't go after you if you use this for making stuff you wouldn't show your grandmother. Feel free to train your AI stuff on this, or put it in your voice synth chips.

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StarEevee SoundFont

by Renderite

Uploaded on Feb 28, 2023 (and last updated on Feb 28, 2023)

Here's my second sound font that I have made from the Animation YouTuber known as StarEevee! I myself am a fan of her and thus have decided to make this! Vocals were ripped from her videos, took a while to get these decent ones.

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BFN Sunflower Soundfont v1

by BC124, Popcap

Uploaded on Nov 23, 2022 (and last updated on Nov 29, 2022)

A Sunflower soundfont made from samples from BFN Sunflower voicelines, because, have you heard Garden Warfare Sunflower voicelines?? Some of the higher octaves are kinda loud, and not perfect, and I'll fix it soon

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Eevee Soundfont (2.5)

by Renderite

Uploaded on Jan 20, 2022 (and last updated on Jan 23, 2022)

I wasn't exactly satisfied with how the older version sounded so I tried to remake it. This new one is not that good, but you can download it if you want. I wouldn't exactly say it's a 2.0, more of a second option. Old or new, whatever you want. Vocals ripped and edited from Let's Go Eevee. Also, I only fixed the "Ehh" vocals of Eevee, so they don't sound so A.G.O.T.I-ish. I'm not sure what else is wrong or if everything's fine.

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Eevee Soundfont

by Renderite

Uploaded on Nov 18, 2021 (and last updated on Apr 04, 2024)

Hey there! I've heard people talk about making an eevee mod for fnf for a while. I thought I'd make an eevee soundfont since no one else has. The sounds are ripped from Pokemon Let's Go btw. I know, I'm late but at least it's out. It doesn't sound that nice but I hope you enjoy it.

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Metro voice free, Haiskel

by Milton Paredes, MPJ Factory studios

Uploaded on Nov 19, 2020 (and last updated on Nov 19, 2020)

This is a Little taste of my new Project under developement, a multiporpose female voice vocal library. sfz format, aswell as wav files to load in your favorite sampler. Credits. female vocals by Haiskel Landaeta.

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All Rights Reserved to Milton Paredes, MPJ Factory studios
Extra considerations: this is a library to use as a demo only projects. copy right 2020 mpj Factory studios

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This is my improvement of sleaf's Libre version of the original SonicLover Realistic SF V2 bank. This version has GS patches and better quality. It is still under 2GiB. This means it does not require BassMIDI-based players to work. MuseScore and ScummVM users rejoice! Strix removed the non-free samples from the original SonicLover version. Enjoy as you wish!Clint, the creator of the KOR soundfont, provided the hosting for this.As have I (check second mirror)Drums have been...

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