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NEW! Mother 1+2 Soundfont (1.01)

by Shigesato Itoi & Nintendo

Uploaded on Nov 24, 2022 (and last updated on May 18, 2024)

(1.01 Update): I completely forgot to include GBA Mother 1's exclusive kick sample, this update includes that. I'll be honest seeing as there isn't a easy way to extract the sample itself due to Mother 1's sound engine appearing to be different/not use Sappy, I couldn't rip the sample itself from within. So what I decided to do was to use the mGBA emulator, turn off all the PSG Square and Noise channels leaving me with only the sample playback of the kick. I then recorded ...

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These files have an unknown license, were obtained from unkown sources or were compiled from third party material.
Extra considerations: I don't own these sounds

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gba (21) gameboy advance (21)

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sf2 (21)