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well this was maded with a cheap keyboard that produces sine waves, technically a toy keyboard and later layered in harmonics to give this Hammondish tone, but... this thing sounds like the doos organ..

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This is cool!
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The DIY Cheap Church Organ

by Various Authors, compiled by Mike77154

Uploaded on Feb 23, 2024 (and last updated on Feb 23, 2024)

this was made by combining car horns, a barrel Organ and recorders and further resampling for giving the sensation of a pipe organ with all the stops activated I think that after doing my proof of concept by making this soundfont, I deduced a way to make church organs cheaper to manufacture and make them portable.

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This is cool!
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I know that "Exabyte U" already submitted but I've uploaded it without midi files and It's Soundfont ver. XD (Just in my own way.) Made it with GBAMusRiper.

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